{{ cataloginfo.proname }}
{{cataloginfo.curr}}{{catalognewpricedivtotal}} {{cataloginfo.curr}}{{catalogpricenew}} Deal Price {{cataloginfo.curr}}{{(catalognewpricedivtotal * (1 - cataloginfo.extra_rate)).toFixed(2) }}

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Pay Later From {{item.currency_symbol}}{{ (item.discount_price/4).toFixed(2) }}
{{ item.rate }}
{{ assembleNum(item.salenum) }} sold
Isee I part, V part, U part wigs: affordable and most natural glueless Wig human hair. Installing with no leave-out or minimal leave-out, no glue, and no gel, create invisible part and hairline, allows you to change your hairstyle instantly while protecting your scalp. Quick application makes it friendly for beginners.
{{ cataloginfo.proname }}
{{cataloginfo.curr}}{{catalognewpricedivtotal}} {{cataloginfo.curr}}{{catalogpricenew}} Deal Price {{cataloginfo.curr}}{{(catalognewpricedivtotal * (1 - cataloginfo.extra_rate)).toFixed(2) }}
Please Note: For wigs and hair bundles, please stretch the hair to straight first then measure the longest hair from the top to the bottom.